Each session is tailored to your needs and may be a combination of modalities.
Esalen® Massage
Bringing peace to body and mind, an Esalen® Massage provides a deeply relaxing, unwinding experience. Long, full body strokes create a sense of wholeness. A slow, mindful pace allows the client to follow, process and receive the work on a deeper level. Sessions with Zoë progress with a dance-like flow, including passive joint movement, focused target-area work, and stillness. You will experience a sense of self-connection and openness that can be brought with you beyond your time on the table.
Deep Bodywork®
Deep Bodywork® is a form of deep tissue massage characterized by very slow, detailed, targeted pressure. The technique works to differentiate stuck muscle tissue, loosen adhesions, stimulate blood flow and draw consciousness to areas that may have been forgotten. This results in pain relief, increased range of motion and a greater sense of freedom in your body. Depth is adjusted to meet you on the safe side of your edge, and verbal feedback is highly valued. Zoë continuously reads your breath, muscle contractions, holding patterns and tissues to support your body to melt and unravel.
Studio Rates
60 minutes $140
75 minutes $165
90 minutes $190
75 minutes $220
90 minutes $250